Sunday, 31 January 2016

Rugged Up!

There has been so many great events on in January, and I'd loved to have blogged more, but here in Australia it holidays time. Which means most people taking time off work, and lots to do in RL. Here are a few things that caught my eye during the latter parts of January. It seems strange to me to be showing Winter stuff as it is mid Summer over here.
Originally I had a different top and pants I was planning on featuring. But when I went to this latest Uber, this coat by Zenith totally caught my eye. This is something I would wear in RL. I love the sweeping curved front, caught in a button at the shoulder on this lovely draped knitted coat. It's something you could throw on during the cooler days of autumn or spring as a standalone lightweight knit. Specially with the short skirt (colour change through a HUD) that is attached to the coat.
There in the Winter Light
To beat the chill these delightful and playful scarves by Naminoke and available at Wayward Winter featuring bunnies doing different things are just the thing. There is 6 different bunny scarves in 3 colours (pink, black, and white) to be won through the gacha.
Also at Wayward Winter is these thigh high socks by fri. made for mesh bodies. They come in a variety of colours, so I'm sure you can find a match for almost anything you wear. To keep our ears warm, what better than this heavily fringed hat by Azoury available at Shiny Shabby.
There in the Winter Light_c
Last but totally not at all least is this lipstick by Zibska available at Uber. Which leads to a big announcement that some may not have heard yet which is Zibska, now supports Omega Advanced, so therefore LOGO heads. YAY!!! I love the rich colours and shine of this set of lip glosses by Zib that are able to be worn by all the major head brands, and also non mesh head people (they come as appliers, and tattoos).
Some of the poses here are by Le Poppycock and available at Wayward Winter. This is a delightful gacha set featuring poses on a moon (not shown) and holding a lantern.
There in the Winter Light_a

What I am Wearing:


Coat - Zenith - Fringe Coat (Rose) - Maitreya  (available @ Uber until February 23rd)
Scarf - Naminoke - Muff with Bunny - white  (available @ Wayward Winter until January 31st)
Hat - Azoury - Yuriy Bristles Black (available @ Shiny Shabby until 10th)
Socks - fri. - Lazy.Socks (Maitreya Top) - (Oatmeal)  (available @ Wayward Winter until January 31st)
Boots - Phedora - Mochi Knee Boots / Maitreya - high  (available @ Kustom9 until February 10th)
Lipstick - Zibska - Lordes Omega - 03  (available @ Uber until February 23rd)

Skin -  [PF] <Latte> - Kiyomi - LOGO Head Applier (Blush)
Head - LOGO Infinity Alex Hybrid Mesh Avatar - Omega
Body - Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Eyeshadow - alaskametro "Creme Duo" eyeshadow - Rockaberry  (avaialble @ Marketplace)
Nails -  Adoness - Slink Enhancement Fingernails: Gloriana

Eyes - IKON - Charm Eyes - Blue
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.1 - Casual 


Le Poppycock (available @ Wayward Winter until January 31st)

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