Tuesday, 17 July 2012

All these clothes and nothing to wear....

....except me shoes n undercrackers! 

It was a yucky day out, so I decided to stay home and sort out my wardrobe some more....the only problem is (as always) I cannot decide what to wear....then I remembered I'd picked up some new undies and shoes on my travels the other day. They are so lovely I thought I'd share them with you!

The lingerie set is "Moana" from Travellers, and is their free group gift! It's really pretty - black with gold lace accents! These pictures don't do it justice at all, so go get it and have a look for yourself whilst you still can!!

 As for the shoes....well, I can't remember how I found the place, but I saw that Felicity shoe store had a free group gift, so obviously I popped over there, joined up and got these beauties! Now there is a 30 $L group joining fee, but it is REALLY worth it, I promise! Because....I then found that not only was there this pair for free, but also about another 9 pairs dotted around the store! ALL FREE!
I shall be putting a post up later on today featuring all of these lovelies!
This pair in particular - come with a HUD to change the colour of the metal on the shoes to gold or silver and skin tone.

 I also picked up these earrings and this hair from the Hair Fair 2012! If you have not already heard, the Hair Fair 2012 is now on, and there are many free gifts to pick up whilst you are there, but also if you have the $$L's, please consider purchasing some too, as the proceeds go to the Wigs for Kids charity. This charity provides children with wigs when they have lost their own hair because of things such as alopecia, chemo, illness, burns, radiotherapy, etc. So, please, give generously, it's always nice to give something back!

The earrings are Severine in gold by Zibska and are part of the free gifts for Hair Fair 2012. They're really pretty!

The hair is from the Alice Project, and is also a Hair Fair 2012 free gift, named Tessa Infinity. It comes with or without bangs, and is actually blonde when you get it, but there is a HUD to change the colour, which I did!

Oh, and as promised, here's the close-up of the Al Vulo skin I mentioned in the previous post! See how beautiful it is!

Where to get the items featured in this post:

Lingerie Set: Moana by Travellers (group gift, 0$L): here

Shoes: Harlow in Gold by Felicity (group gift, 0$L, but 30 $L group join fee): here

Earrings: Severine Gold by Zibska (Hair Fair 2012 gift, 0$L): here

Hair: Tessa Infinity by Alice Project (Hair Fair 2012 gift, 0$L): here

Skin: Al Vulo (group gift, 0$L): here

Free in every sense of the word....!

Firstly, sorry for the lack of updates this past week, I've not been feeling too well! Now that I aIm feeling better, here's a double update (in 2 posts, next one will be uploaded very shortly so keep looking!!)
Al Vulo have a monthly free skin for group members....I pick them up every month and have to say they are one of my favourite skin designers in Second Life!  The attention to detail is amazing! This month, they have the skin you see below....yes, it is pale, yes my friends tell me how pasty white I am, I don't care! Who said you have to look like you rolled in a bag of freakin' cheesy Doritos to look good!? I personally like my porcelain skin, and the makers at Al Vulo get it right every time! I also love the colour of the lips, and the detail around the eyes! Sorry the picture isn't so big, so you can't see much of the detail here, but in my next post there will be closeups, so have a look! 

The hair is from Analog Dog (by far one of my favourite hair designers!), and it compliments this skin perfectly! This hair is , and it comes in two parts, so you can choose how long you want it to be! I did put the longer bits onto it here because I didn't want Father Christmas and all his uncles seeing my nipplarna's, but without the extensions, the hair is about 3/4 the length you see here. The colour is wonderful - one of my favourite hair colours actually (and the same as I had in real life until recently!)
You can grab this hair by going to Analog Dog and grabbing it from the freeball (they look like bubbles floating on the beach, just click on them to get the item!)

See below the pic for SLurl's! And don't forget to check the next post when it's up in a few minutes for more details on this lush skin (and maybe some shoes!)

Where to get the items featured above:

Skin : Dating In the Dark, group gift, 0$L: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ReMix%20Yo%20LIfe/178/160/1351

Hair: Analog Dog 0$L (find them in the freeballs!): http://slurl.com/secondlife/Analog%20Dog%20Hair/182/103/23

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Happy 4th July!

(Yes, I know it's late, but couldn't post sooner, sorry!)

So, here in the UK, we don't celebrate 4th July....but I thought I would participate in SL festivities anyhow....

And on my travels around the SLuniverse, I managed to pick up some very cute items!

These cute jeans are a limited edition 4th July gift by ::Poised:: - I love the flag print on them!

The top is mesh, and is the free 4th July gift by !! Twisting Infinity !!. It also comes with a red denim skirt with flag motif and this shape so it fits nicely!

Seeing as I was in the mood for the red white n blue....I figured that I could do with some red hair and a nice holiday hat to go with it! So I hopped on over to *Bliss Couture* and picked up the 4th July free gift, which was this beautiful hat/fascinator! I think you will agree, it's really cute!

The hair I found on SL Marketplace. Well when I saw the name of it, of course I had  to have it, you'll understand why in a minute when I tell you!
It is the Nena hair in Ruby, and has colourable front streaks, by A&A Hair! It's on promo at the moment and is free on the marketplace until 15th July, so grab it whilst you still can!!

Now what else did I need to finish off my look....there was something missing and I just could not work out what it was! So I trawled the marketplace for a while, and what did I come across....these gorgeous stars n stripes lips! How cute are they!? 
They are the American Lips by [::DD::], and cost me 0$L! 

Best thing about everything I got!? Yep you guessed it, ALL FREE! 

Where to get the items featured in this post!:

Limited Edition Jeans (4th July gift) by ::Poised:: Get them here

4th July gift by !! Twisting Infinity !! (shape, mesh top and skirt) - SL Marketplace. Get it here

4th July Hat/Fascinator (group gift) by *Bliss Couture* - Get it here

Nena Hair in Ruby (free on SL Marketplace until 15th July) - Get it here

American Lips by [::DD::] - SL Marketplace. Get them here

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Natty Dread!

Today I was scouring the Second Life Marketplace for some good deals, and thought I would share these beauties with you!

I came across this....it's the "Delicious" bikini by Twinflames. And delicious it really is!! I just love how it shines in the sunlight! And it's FREE! (see bottom of this post for links to get it!)

Of course, the bikini warrants going to the beach....what's the point in wearing one otherwise? So off I flew to a beautiful exotic island in the sun to tan my lily-white skin....which coincidentally I also got from the Marketplace (the shape came with it) - this is the Keri shape/skin group gift by Panda Punx (you don't have to be in the group to buy it though through the marketplace!), and it cost my just 1$L!!

Of course, I needed some hair to compliment my look, and I found these beautiful white-blonde dreadlocks! They come with a matching tattoo hairbase, and the detail on them is fantastic! They are the Flexible Braids in Natural White, and are made by dDx. They are a marketplace exclusive, and cost just 1$L, so get them whilst you still can!

Hope your day is full of sunshine too!

Where to get the items mentioned in this post:

"Delicious" Rasta Bikini by Twinflames: Here (SL Marketplace), 0$L

Keri Skin/Shape by Panda Punx: Here (SL Marketplace), 1$L

Flexible Braids (in Natural White) by dDx: Here (SL Marketplace), 1$L