Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Hair Fair 2017 Demo Group

Are you ready for the biggest event in any hair lovers diary? In just a few days Hair Fair 2017 will open. To make sure you are prepared, join the Hair Fair 2017 Demo group.
Details below:

 Hair Fair 2017 DEMO Group

Hair Fair 2017

It is that time of year again, Hair Fair 2017 starts this Saturday 1st July.
Demos will be sent out in our Demo group on the 30th June (Friday). You will be able to try all the Hair Fair styles before the event opens, so that you do not have to deal with lag of trying styles on at the event.
Grab some friends, try on all the styles, make your list and you will be able to shop, fast and efficiently. Discover stores that are new to you, and have fun with family and friends in your own little Demo parties.
Copy and past the the following into local chat in Second Life and join the Hair Fair DEMO Group

It is a FREE to join group, do not join if it is not free, NO groups to do with Hair Fair are any cost, so if you get sent invites to anything with the name Hair Fair do not accept or join, as we only send notices in our Hair Fair DEMO Group and our Subscribomatic owned by HairFairSL Core or Sasy Scarborough ONLY.

There are no gift cards, reduced prices cards, or anything that suggests some kind of deal at the event. If you are sent any such item, decline and abuse report. 
See you on Saturday and onwards at Hair Fair 2017 where all purchases will donate a percentage to Wigs for Kids.

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Hair Fair 2017 - Bandana Day

As anyone who knows me knows, I am a Hair Addict. I also LOVE Hair Fair and have not missed one since it's inception. I have also bugged Sasy Scarborough for years to let me blog Hair Fair. Well this year my dream came true and I am blogging Hair Fair. YAY!!!!
My very first task is to try to get as many of you as possible on board to make Bandanas for this extremely worthwhile cause. Need to hurry though as all submissions need to be in by June 14th 2017.

Bandana Day in Second Life, started in 2007, It’s a day we encourage people from all over SL to remove their hair and wear bandanas decorated by Residents (not just hair creators!) grid wide.

If you need a kit, please contact Sasy Scarborough. Or you can purchase it for 0L at Winx & Flair in world where you will also find the Hair Fair Subscribo, so you can keep up to date with all news. Please only use this kit for what it is intended for.
The Bandana’s in this Kit have been created by Mel Vanbeeck ,and are not to be used for anything other than Bandana Day Bandanas.
The idea is to decorate the bandanas provided with either a texture (textures must not have images or logos of RL products or copyright material) prims/sculpts/mesh, or both (NO HAIR) and return it full perms to CharitySasy String – Perms will be changed to No Copy and sold Mod/Transfer as we do every year, so people can buy for others.
We also encourage you to create a notecard that explains why you have decorated the bandana, as many people have their own stories as to why they support this cause. You do not have to do this, it is just something we will include in your bandanas box to share with the person that buys them.
All money from the sale of these bandanas will go to Wigs for Kids and will only be sold by the Hair Fair Committee at Hair Fair 2017. After the event the bandanas will be unavailable, so after Hair Fair there is no reason for you to keep these other than for personal wear, but we hope also that you will buy some for that.

More information is available here: Decorate a Bandana